Our curriculum

At Expect Education, we offer a diverse range of specialized courses designed to provide your child with a top-quality education experience. Our curriculum is carefully crafted to empower students and transform their learning journey. You can choose from in-term courses and holiday camp courses. You can also choose between one-topic and multi-topic courses. The decision to focus on one skill or domain or opt for a general approach is entirely up to you.

What courses can I choose from?

Spelling and grammar

This entails an in-depth investigation of all eight parts of speech, as well as supplementary topics to ensure technically accurate work.

We teach a fully comprehensive grammar curriculum. It is a building block, spiraled design and progress is quantifiable.

Spelling and vocabulary work in a similar manner. These are wonderful places to start as students can easily see the difference and track results.

Reading strategies and comprehension

Reading will focus (mainly) on nonfiction, simply because it’s more difficult to begin with, thus needing support.

Reading strategies include (but are not limited to): skimming and scanning, understanding references within texts, finding meaning, and understanding quotes.

Critical thinking themes include (but are not limited to): identifying ideas, making inferences, ranking, justifying, evaluating, and speculating.

These are all skills needed for future exams.

Writing and the creative enterprise

Writing is approached concentrically, from the formation and construction of sentences to paragraphs to essays (of different kinds).

We teach how to write creatively and formally, addressing how to properly structure written work to make big tasks more manageable. We’ll also teach figurative speech in writing, which is a great way of understanding more complex texts while reading.

We use innovative writing tools and strategies to allow students to produce work more authentic than the productions of AI assistants.

Targeted courses

These classes will be focused on one skill set or subject area only to improve and move towards a single goal. These will run weekly.

Hybrid courses

This will be a mix of topics/subjects/skills for a more all-rounded approach; also running weekly.


These will be topic-based courses with a set duration, depending on interest; likely focused on real-life content not taught in schools.

Constantly adapting curriculum

What sets our curriculum apart from traditional public education is our commitment to updating. Unlike most schools that are obligated to use specific materials, we have no such restrictions. Instead, we have gathered some of the most effective resources, techniques, and curricula from a decade in the private sector. This is an ever-evolving approach that allows us to move with the latest advancements and educational research - providing a truly unique and enriching educational experience for your child.

Discover the difference

Explore our specialized courses and personalized approach to education.